03/21/25 ~ entry 06 ~ a general update (for fun)
hi i've been on spring break from school lately, sorry about how long it iz taking me to update all the pagez to the new layout i keep forgetting i still need to do that... been reading A LOT of homestuck, it'z pretty fun. i've also been playing around on the petsite, 4dopt, which iz a really cool community-based petsite, 100% reccommend if you like creating creatures and art and being part of a silly and fun little community! (not sponsored by 4dopt i just love 4dopt)
i also did some stuff like get my fursona redesigned and also started designing a secondary fursona bc why not! also learned the hard way you shouldnt consume an energy drink on itz own... i waz so shaky dude
02/18/25 ~ entry 05 ~ so my brother aster
callout post. my freak brother iz making me join hiz scratch dot mit dot edu webring so it stopz being broken. can we get him can we drown him in a river in the woods. hi aster love youuu }:D
01/20/25 ~ entry 04 ~ where the hell do i keep going?!
the answer iz im a really mentally ill teenager with school who also keepz getting sick lately for some reason!!!! it all suckz a lot and killz my motivation 2 do thingz but like whatever....... i also tried installing java on the 28th but it kept making my computer crashed and i only figured thiz out YESTERDAY... embarassing... now that iz fixed though i can actually use my computer again!!!! a lot of the work on my website iz az slow-going az it iz just bc idk what 2 do most of the time, but i want to start working on it again more and more and just doing whatever i want sometimez because im bored and i need more shit to do in my life other then just lay in bed and scroll tumblr all day -_- anywayz yeah thatz basically where ive been lately and why i dont update my website az much az i want to
12/05/24 ~ entry 03 ~ i forgor
I FORGOT I MADE A JOURNAL PAGE hi chat im STILL NOT DEAD im just crazy... ive been working on my christmas list lately and itz fun even though i keep getting embarassed for having interestz and wanting thingz.... i wanna look at what stuff they have for the thingz i like on etsy (mainly psychonauts esp cuz my friend sayz they have some cool stuff on there i think?) but my anxiety keepz telling me im tooooo cringe!!!!! we are doing it scared today folkz!!!!!! ive also been out of school the past 2 dayz cuz im sickkkk but hopefully ill be better by friday, we have finalz thiz month and im nervouz az hell bc i dont remember ive had 2 do finalz yet??? eeek. wish me luck!!!!!
11/21/24 ~ entry 02 ~ another one
helloooo i dunno how often ppl update these O_O but hai hai hie. finally started physical therapy 4 my FUCKED UP SPINE on monday and itz been going good so far :33 i also got to learn abt poland in astronomy class thiz tuesday bc we have a foreign exchange student from there in that class and she wanted to tell uz abt it and it waz SO COOL!!!!!!!!!! i got to try pierogi and it waz sooo tasty ^_^!!!! ive been doing more coding then usual lately, im having a lot of fun :33
i started working on the psychonauts shrine today but it mighttt be a little bit til itz actually on the site becuz im using an online code editor 2 see how i like it 4 making webpagez 4 here... so far i have noticed i cant use my fontz :( but otherwise itz fun being able 2 code w/o being antsy of someone Seeing It while itz still a work in progress... i may just use it 4 stuff like the shrine pagez which i want 2 have more different layoutz then the rest of the site, we'll see :33
11/17/24 ~ entry 01 ~ first entry!!!
hi chat. guess who made a journal(/ blog?) page... (me. itz me :3) thought thiz would be fun cuz i like 2 share stuff... i just hope i have enough stuff to talk about here... and also remember it
today i walked w my mom n got some cola bottle gummies from a store so that waz fun!!!! i think im getting better at not freaking out when crossing roadz, cuz itz kinda scary esp when u have Scary Anxiety BLEGGHHHHH. fellow anxietyhaverz out there will understand i think
speaking of scary, i had a scary dream thiz morning and it SUCKED i hated it :( but im ok now yay :)