12/05/24 ~ entry 03 ~ i forgor
I FORGOT I MADE A JOURNAL PAGE hi chat im STILL NOT DEAD im just crazy... ive been working on my christmas list lately and itz fun even though i keep getting embarassed for having interestz and wanting thingz.... i wanna look at what stuff they have for the thingz i like on etsy (mainly psychonauts esp cuz my friend sayz they have some cool stuff on there i think?) but my anxiety keepz telling me im tooooo cringe!!!!! we are doing it scared today folkz!!!!!! ive also been out of school the past 2 dayz cuz im sickkkk but hopefully ill be better by friday, we have finalz thiz month and im nervouz az hell bc i dont remember ive had 2 do finalz yet??? eeek. wish me luck!!!!!
11/21/24 ~ entry 02 ~ another one
helloooo i dunno how often ppl update these O_O but hai hai hie. finally started physical therapy 4 my FUCKED UP SPINE on monday and itz been going good so far :33 i also got to learn abt poland in astronomy class thiz tuesday bc we have a foreign exchange student from there in that class and she wanted to tell uz abt it and it waz SO COOL!!!!!!!!!! i got to try pierogi and it waz sooo tasty ^_^!!!! ive been doing more coding then usual lately, im having a lot of fun :33
i started working on the psychonauts shrine today but it mighttt be a little bit til itz actually on the site becuz im using an online code editor 2 see how i like it 4 making webpagez 4 here... so far i have noticed i cant use my fontz :( but otherwise itz fun being able 2 code w/o being antsy of someone Seeing It while itz still a work in progress... i may just use it 4 stuff like the shrine pagez which i want 2 have more different layoutz then the rest of the site, we'll see :33
11/17/24 ~ entry 01 ~ first entry!!!
hi chat. guess who made a journal(/ blog?) page... (me. itz me :3) thought thiz would be fun cuz i like 2 share stuff... i just hope i have enough stuff to talk about here... and also remember it
today i walked w my mom n got some cola bottle gummies from a store so that waz fun!!!! i think im getting better at not freaking out when crossing roadz, cuz itz kinda scary esp when u have Scary Anxiety BLEGGHHHHH. fellow anxietyhaverz out there will understand i think
speaking of scary, i had a scary dream thiz morning and it SUCKED i hated it :( but im ok now yay :)